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Advice for every woman

 Advice for every woman
Categories: Love words

Advice. . Every woman has the old days... a woman did not need any effort to attract a man... he was always attracted on his own... he would peek behind her through the holes in the doors... and the holes in the burqas... and he would stand for hours in the street hoping that she would... Her shadow appears from behind the window shutters...or her hand appears as it extends to the flowerpot or the flower pot...he was attracted...because no trace of her could be found...he lived in a world full of men and worked in a world full of men...and she was a woman A rare, scarce thing that does not appear on the streets... nor does it appear in schools... nor in offices... but rather hides in homes inside long cloaks, sheets and robes, and there was no way to reach her other than to marry her according to the Sunnah of God and His Messenger, without rehearsal, without inspection, and without talking. The woman did not need to promote her goods because they were popular and would be crowded by people... and seekers would come to her door. That is why she was accustomed to being negative and not mastering any art other than abstinence and coddling, and is a negative method that always led her to her goals and caught her with her foot like a fly in a spider's web. But now the circumstances have completely changed. The woman left the house and took to the street. The truth is that we were the ones who laughed at her and drove her out under the pretext of freedom, liberation, and women’s renaissance. To the end of the game we played, to get her to come out of her boudoir and enjoy seeing her in short sleeves.. and a bare chest.. and finally in a swimsuit.. All of this for free without marriage.. And we were not satisfied with this, but we took half of our work off our shoulders and placed it on her shoulders.. Come on, it’s your turn, life partner. And our life partner screamed... so we said... shame... where is the struggle... you are a great woman fighter... a heroine... a saint... a free human being... born free... and you live free... and we cannot monopolize the honor of working and fighting for ourselves alone... The time has come when you snatch the banner of freedom, struggle, and work from our hands, against our will... The truth is that the story did not happen against our will... but rather through our planning... we are the ones who put girls in schools... and gave them jobs in ministries, hospitals, factories, companies, and banks... and opened shops and stores for them. comfort ourselves and lighten our burdens...and at the same time enjoy the fellowship of women for a longer period...and the result of this development was a dangerous result...we began to get our fill of seeing women in lipstick, powder, shorts, and swimsuits...we got our fill of seeing the sheep’s streets on which our saliva was drooling while He passed...and pushed us running to the authorized person to obtain it. We began to rest... and put a summer watermelon in our stomach... and the new life did not only bring us the joy of seeing. But it also brought us another pleasure, which is... joking... and joking by virtue of collaborating at work and raising the cost... running and playing... eating lunch and dinner together... and going to the movies, bars and restaurants... and thus women lost their prestige... and became close and easy... This ease has pushed the idea of marriage away from the minds of young people more and more. The woman, in turn, developed... She participated with the man in his work, his struggle, and the sweat of his brow... So she, like him, had the right to unwind and enjoy herself and spend a good and delicious time... forgetting about work and its disgust... But how can she have fun... when the man does not want to get married and is running away from the authorized person... There is no escape, then, for her to give up her traditional prohibition and allow a kiss or a hug on the walker... and say, O Basit... and the wicked man took the story as sweet... and went into pampering and pampering... and forgot the story of marriage at all... and a kiss in an embrace... in a kiss in an embrace. The woman gave herself to the man while crying bitterly... and said: She is doing this love and passion for him alone... and for the first time in history... and it is a moment of weakness... and she will not return... unless there are promises and covenants... but the malicious man also flashed on. And his past has no end. He hears crying from one ear and lets it out from the other. He sleeps on this pleasant, free pleasure. He forgets the story of marriage more and more. The woman revolts, threatens, threatens, then resorts to estrangement. But... The satiated rooster sleeps in the sun and does not move a muscle.. and the hen returns to give herself again.. then it becomes a habit.. and an opium and nothing, nothing.. but it lasts.. but the man flashes and his flash has no end.. and when he realizes that he is full, boredom overtakes him.. and it begins In pampering.. and the woman cries and tears herself apart.. and there is no benefit.. no marriage.. not even a lasting relationship.. A dangerous era in love has begun.. its name is the era of the man.. the man is the one who has now begun to sit on the throne of pampering.. and sleep on... Delicious negativity, and he lets the girl run after him, flirt with him, attract him, seduce him, and pinch him on the cheek... and soon the man will consider... his exchange of sex and bed with the woman... as surrender on his part... And usurping his virginity and chastity.. and he will expect gratitude from her after every time she violates his honor. The biggest problem will become the woman’s to bring her relationship to the point of marriage...and the woman...does not...and will not be satisfied with a sexual relationship with a man she loves...even if it lasts and provides sincerity and dedication...a woman’s greatest pleasure is to conceive, give birth, and be a mother. And a queen over a home and a family.. and the creator of a new generation that she raises and cares for.. and a wife to a lover who keeps him company.. and he keeps her company.. and enjoys his companionship, affection, love, and respect... How can a woman reach this goal.. in these new circumstances that have changed the standards.. and the woman has turned into a man. And a man is a woman. The only solution is for her to stop considering her body, beauty, and femininity as a sufficient means alone to attract a husband. She must abandon this passivity in which she does not make an effort except to take off her clothes. This is not enough. The new man is greedy. He demands this and more. And what is more is that the woman should have value in herself... that she should have a high level of intelligence... a high level of education... a great deal of wealth and affluence... that she should have a great importance and position. ...and a luxury car.. and a name.. and a personality.. and influence. Just as women used to ask men in the past... to have a respectable position, a great job, great wealth... a personality... a Cadillac car... and a villa in Maadi... and this is a natural end... and my advice to a woman is to gather competencies and qualifications in her hand... to overpower the man. With her beauty, body, legs, checks, and certificates... her journey now will be a longer journey. From a book on love and life by Mustafa Mahmoud

Categories: Love words
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